Wednesday, June 19, 2013

June 19/2013
Well this is it! Final p-day in the MTC this time next week I'll be in Mexico stuck with the squirts! ha
I have so much to say about this week but so little time! Hopefully I'll be guided and will be able to say what is most important! I have actually loved the MTC despite all the class time and sitting so much it has been such a cool experience and I have met some truly fantastic people! We spend each day surrounded by the spirit and the gospel, It is wonderful! With this week (our last week) coming to an end our District has been a little more off topic than the usual which led to some great discussions on how we can use this (should use this) time to become more prepared to serve our Savior as well as prepare to serve the people the Lord has prepared for us! We read as a distric a talk titled "The 4th missionary" If you can find it I reccommend it to all and suggest you apply it to your life! It discusses 4 types of missionaries 1. the one who is there for others that doesnt desire to do the work and is not worthy to. This missionary eventually gets sent home or sends himself home. he returns with no honor and regrets his desicions and often falls away. 2. The missionary similar to the first however does just enough to not get sent home and serves a complete mission. However has no honor in himself as well as will regret his choices. also  often falls away. 3. the third follows all the rules, teaches and does well. He has success and returns home honorably ...however everything he did he did because he had to. He did not follow the rules for his own desires but becuse he was told to... because of this he has little joy in the mission and is blessed sparringly. 4. The fourth is the ideal missionary, he does all he is supposed to and has plenty of success, same as the third, however this time it is done becuse of his own desire. This missionary is blessed in abundance and loves every bit of the mission. There are many more blessings and consequences givin in the talk but I think this conveys the point... so without saying more I will leave that but maybe challenge you to apply this to your own life to look upon yourself and instead of what kind of missionary but what kind of member are you? Are you the first or the fourth? Could you imagine if we were all the fourth all the time?
One thing that everyone here is excited for is the world wide broadcast on the 23rd! It is a new mission president seminar and we will get to attend a devotional where the presidency and most of the quorum of the 12 will be present! It is bound to be a wonderful time! I can't wait to hear the things the leaders of this church will have to say to the missionaries! I also made it into the choir haha! so keep an eye out in the broadcast... I may become famous and end up on TV haha!
The theme this week has kind of been centered around the spirit and how we need that to do the work and also to find success in life. It is such an amazing thing to see as a missionary even here in the MTC how just one insprired question can lead to the changing of someones life. I think that if there was one thing of most importance in this church it would be for all of us to know when the spirit is speaking and to hear the words. This is not only for our benifit but for the benifit of others. Through us (those worthy and willing to listen to the spirit) we can be directed to help others in so many different ways! We can save lives, bless others, and help them through acting on any prompting to help them. This is such an important piece of the gospel! I challenge all to remember this and to really try to listen to promptings. The more we listen to, Hear and act upon the more we will recieve, and what a blessing!
I didn't get much of a chance in the rush of leaving but I wanted to thank you all. First off my Mom who was helping me get ready every step of the way, whether in Hawaii or back at home she was doing all she could to serve me in preparing for the mish! Secondly for a father who through example has shown me the kind of man I need to be and I am so greatfull for that as I have seen that rub off in my life. And lastly to all the family that was there to support me when I left as well as all the amazing friends I found in Hawaii! It was there were I grew the most and was able to best prepare for my mission and for life, It was an experience I wouldn't trade for anything and I never thought I'd miss it so much! You all are wonderful and I look up to you all! 
 Sorry this weeks letter is short but the MTC can get pretty repetitive so I dont have much else to say, Other than I would love to share experiences with you all so if you have questions or would like just a cool experience I have had write me.. I'm not a fan of email but can write anytime!
Wish me luck in Mexico! and Talk to you all next week!

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