We are hoping to see some big results with the video that is being shown as well as the invites that have been givin out.....
As my last chChristmas here in the mission I am prepared to take advantage of every bit of it..... I am still loving it more and more every day and well Ive got to take advantage because the time is coming to an end......But that just means I have to work harder and teach better to make sure that I have left a mark here in good ol Tampico... and well I think that is how it should be for all of us.... the year is coming to an end... the store are liquidating, accountants are closing and well we are just stuffing our faces with food haha..... maybe this year could be different. Maybe this year we could make it the most memorable.... I think that is done in more than one way....
Take a little bit more time this year and look for what more can we do to make this year a better one....how can we capitalize this year with something better than all the rest.... We probably wont find it in gifts or food or vacations but I know that as stated by president Thomas S. Monson that "the spirit of Christmas, is the spirit of Christ" ... Look for him, find him, and then share his and then maybe it make be the best year yet! (https://www.lds.org/media- library/video/2009-12-41-the- christmas-spirit?category= topics/christmas&lang=spa)
Love ya all and have a great week!!!!